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Elevating Standards in Quality and Integrity
IPG relies on best-of-class suppliers for our innovative and advanced fiber devices.
Supplier Documents
Supplier Questionnaire IPG Photonics Corporation
IPG Laser GmbH & Co. KG
Terms and Conditions of Purchase IPG Laser GmbH & Co. KG (German)
Supplier Questionnaire IPG Laser GmbH & Co. KG (German)
Logistics Guidelines IPG Laser GmbH & Co. KG (English)
Logistics Guidelines IPG Laser GmbH & Co. KG (German)
IPG Medical
Supplier Code of Conduct
At IPG, we are committed to the fundamental values of integrity, fairness, mutual respect, teamwork and innovation. We base our culture on strong values that are practiced every day in everything that we do.
IPG expects our suppliers to commit to high standards in the areas of ethics, business integrity, human rights, protection of information, health and safety and environmental management. Our goal is to ensure that IPG does business with partners that operate with the highest ethical standards and that have a record of law-abiding conduct.
Conflict Minerals
IPG Photonics products, like the products of many other high-tech companies, contain various metals that were purchased from third-party vendors and originate from all over the world. These metals include tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (“conflict minerals”). These metals have been labeled “conflict minerals” because they may be sourced, in part, from the conflict-laden Democratic Republic of Congo and adjoining countries and because some of the trading of these metals is believed to be funding the illegal armed groups responsible for the conflict there.
IPG is committed to responsible sourcing of conflict minerals and related legal compliance, including the due diligence and disclosure requirements relating to the manufacturing of IPG products. The company conducts annual due diligence of its suppliers to determine the sourcing of the conflict minerals in its products and confirm there is no evidence that the conflict minerals in our products funded conflict.
IPG will not knowingly source any conflict minerals from sources that fund conflict. If IPG due diligence reveals that any of our suppliers have provided IPG with goods or metals that funded conflict, IPG will seek alternative sources for such goods or metals.
Supply Chain Human Rights
IPG expects its suppliers to adhere to global principles of human rights that include freedom of association, right to organize, abolition of forced labor, elimination of child labor, equality and antidiscrimination rights and provision of legally mandated employee benefits.As a company that must deliver reliable and high-technology products to our customers and end-users, IPG requires our suppliers to maintain highly trained personnel and best-in-class processes so IPG can meet all customer requirements.
To meet these objectives, IPG implemented policies, including our Anti-Human Trafficking Policy.
Whistleblower complaint report in case of legal violations
(including human rights violations and environmental risks according to LkSG)
IPG requires all employees, officers, suppliers and business partners to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the performance of their activities. IPG is committed to protecting human rights and treating all individuals fairly, including employees of IPG's global suppliers. IPG recognizes that protecting the environment is a high priority and requires that all waste products and hazardous materials are stored, treated and disposed of in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
IPG's Employees or Suppliers who believe that any employee of the Supplier or IPG, or anyone acting on behalf of Supplier or IPG, has engaged in illegal or otherwise improper conduct in violation of IPG's Supplier Code of Conduct (including, but not limited to, human rights and environmental regulations) should report the matter to IPG.
IPG's policy strictly prohibits retaliation against whistleblowers who filed complaints in good faith. Suppliers must allow their employees to report violations of the Supplier Code of Conduct to IPG without threat of retaliation or punishment. Suppliers’ relationships with IPG will not be affected by honest reports of potential misconduct made in good faith.
To report suspected violations, whistleblowers can contact their business counterpart or manager at IPG or, if the whistleblower is not comfortable reporting the suspected violation directly, by using one of IPG’s anonymous reporting methods below:
Telephone:- English speaking USA and Canada: (855) 600‐0036 (not available from Mexico)
- Spanish speaking North America: (800) 216‐1288 (from Mexico must dial 001-800-216-1288)
- Employees outside of North America: 800‐603‐2869
Telephone instructions and access codes for employees outside of North America can be found at: https://report.syntrio.com/documentlink/International%20Toll-free%20Hotline%20Access%20Instructions.pdf
Online Reporting (website): report.syntrio.com/ipgphotonics
E-mail: reports@syntrio.com (must include company name with report)
Fax: (215) 689-3885 (must include company name with report)
The helpline is a 24/7 hotline administered by a third-party agency, not IPG.
The manner in which reports can be made varies from country to country. The compliance helpline will give you further instructions on how and to whom to report your particular concern. If it turns out that you are calling about a matter that must be handled locally according to local requirements, the compliance hotline will direct you back to local management.
Download Whistleblower Information in EnglishDownload Whistleblower Information in German
Global Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Disclosure
IPG Photonics Corporation (“IPG”) is committed to preventing the occurrence of forced labour and child labour in our operations and supply chains. We do not tolerate child labour, forced labour or any other form of slavery and we expect our suppliers to commit to ethical and responsible business practices and support our values. The statement below (“Statement”) outlines IPG’s efforts to prevent and reduce the risk of forced labour or child labour occurring in our business during the year ended December 31, 2023. The Statement serves as a disclosure complying with the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, and the Canadian Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act.
IPG’s Structure and Business
IPG began operations in 1990, and we were incorporated in Delaware in 1998. Our principal executive offices are located at 377 Simarano Drive, Marlborough, Massachusetts 01752. We are listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market (ticker: IPGP).
IPG develops, manufactures and sells high-performance fiber lasers, fiber amplifiers and diode lasers that are used for diverse applications, primarily in materials processing. We market our products internationally, primarily through our direct sales force. Our major manufacturing facilities are located in the United States and Germany.
As of December 31, 2023, we had approximately 6,180 full-time employees. As a global company, our employees are distributed throughout our more than thirty locations in twenty-four countries. Of our total full-time employees, approximately 2,310 were in the United States and 1,490 were in Germany.
Our Supply Chains
IPG directly sources from over 700 third party vendors from approximately 20 different countries. IPG’s sourced goods consist primarily of direct material for production purposes, such as electrical, electronic and mechanical parts and components, and capital equipment, machines and tools. IPG’s suppliers in the US and Germany comprise more than 80% of its total sourced goods by spend. Most of IPG’s supplier relationships are short-term contracts governed by general purchase order terms and conditions; however, IPG has some negotiated supply contracts for certain goods and suppliers. IPG’s Divisional Vice President - Director, Procurement, World Wide Purchasing oversees IPG’s supply chains.
Our Policies and Due Diligence Processes
IPG conducts business in compliance with applicable law and in an ethical and socially responsible manner. IPG supports international principles aimed at promoting human rights and fair treatment as described in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organization (“ILO”) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Based on international labor and human rights standards, as well as best practices across the global business community, IPG developed policies outlining its approaches to combating involuntary labor and human trafficking, which include:
- Human Rights Policy. IPG strictly prohibits using or benefiting from involuntary or forced labor (including bonded, debt bondage, indentured and involuntary prison labor), commercial sex, slavery, or trafficking of persons. IPG does not engage in or benefit from any form of child labor and complies with all applicable laws and regulations prohibiting or restricting the employment of minors. IPG follows ILO Minimum Age Convention 138 and will not hire any individual under the age of 15 or who is underage under local applicable laws and regulations. If IPG determines that any employee is underage, IPG will terminate such employment and take appropriate remedial steps informed by the child’s best interest.
- Anti-Human Trafficking Policy. IPG has an established zero-tolerance policy prohibiting human trafficking-related activities. Under the policy, involuntary or forced labor (including bonded, debt bondage, indentured, and involuntary prison labor), commercial sex, slavery, or trafficking of persons is prohibited. IPG is committed to maintaining and improving its systems and processes to ensure we comply with all rules and regulations regarding human trafficking and any forced labor in our operations and supply chain.
- Code of Business Conduct. At IPG, all employees are responsible for adhering to the values and guidelines included in our Code of Business Conduct. IPG is committed to running a moral, ethical and trustworthy enterprise. The Code of Business Conduct highlights our regulations and values to help employees identify and avoid any unethical actions that would discredit our reputation and ethical standards.
- Supplier Code of Conduct. We require our suppliers to abide by all applicable laws and regulations relating to human rights and observe all standards set forth in ILO Forced Labor Convention No. 29 and ILO Abolition of Forced Labor Convention No. 105. Suppliers must not directly or indirectly use forced or involuntary labor, whether prison, bonded (including debt bondage), indentured or otherwise, child labor, slavery or trafficking of persons. Suppliers must not recruit, transport, transfer, harbor or receive persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud or deception, for the purpose of exploitation.
We also require suppliers to follow the requirements defined in the ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138. Specifically, suppliers must not hire minor individuals under 15 years of age, or 14 years of age where local law allows, or under the legal minimum age for employment in the country, whichever is greatest. Suppliers must not permit any individual under 18 years of age to perform work that might jeopardize their health and/or safety.
Whenever possible, IPG works with suppliers who are ISO 9001:2015 certified and are committed to business integrity, human rights, protection of information and EHS management. Our suppliers adhere to the global, fundamental principles of human rights including the freedom of association, right to organize, abolition of forced labor, elimination of child labor, equality and anti-discrimination rights, and provision of legally mandated employee benefits – the same way IPG does.
- Whistleblower Policy and Complaints procedures. IPG complies with all applicable security laws and regulations, accounting standards, accounting controls, audit practices and bribery prohibitions. Any IPG employee may submit a good faith complaint about suspected violations of law or ethics to IPG management without fear of dismissal or retaliation. In 2023, we updated localized versions of whistleblower policies and procedures, focusing on employee awareness, and access as well as clarity of designated reporting channels. Employees and third parties may submit a whistleblower complaint, either directly to IPG management or anonymously through IPG’s whistleblower hotline. Instructions for submission of complaints are available in the respective policies and on IPG’s website.
- Responsible Minerals Sourcing. IPG is committed to the responsible sourcing of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold used in our products. IPG conducts annual due diligence of its tier-1 suppliers to determine the sourcing of conflict minerals in its products and to request confirmation that suppliers do not supply IPG with any conflict minerals that funded conflict. IPG will not knowingly source any conflict minerals from sources that fund conflict. If IPG’s due diligence reveals that any of IPG’s suppliers have provided IPG with goods or metals that funded conflict, IPG will seek alternative sources for such goods or metals. IPG files a conflict minerals report with the SEC.
At IPG, risk management is a priority for our Board of Directors and senior management. Effectively monitoring and managing risk are essential to the successful execution of IPG’s business strategy. Managers at IPG have the power to manage, mitigate and elevate risks to senior management. The Board has oversight for risk management with a focus on the most significant risks, including strategic, operational, financial and compliance risks.
Risks of Forced Labour and Child Labour in our Business and Supply Chains
As a manufacturer of components and systems that incorporate minerals sourced through a complex supply chain, IPG is at risk of conflict minerals that potentially funded conflict being introduced into its direct and indirect supply chains. To minimize the risk of forced labour and child labour in its supply chain, IPG conducts due diligence on an annual basis modeled after the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains.
We perform supplier screening and check new suppliers against global sanctions and enforcement databases to identify international trade risks. We also require our suppliers contractually to comply with IPG’s Supplier Code of Conduct and all applicable laws and regulations relating to human rights and responsible sourcing.
Measures Taken to Remediate Forced or Child Labour or the Loss of Income to the Most Vulnerable Families
IPG has not identified any forced or child labour risks in its supply chain. Accordingly, IPG has not taken any remediation measures.
Employee Training
IPG ensures that new employees are trained and educated about our values and policies and that they review the policies periodically. Employees’ questions on any such policy may be addressed to the proper officers and Human Resources. IPG provides the channels to report any violations under the policies and encourages all employees, suppliers, and customers to use them as needed and not to be silently complacent. IPG is assessing the potential implementation of a training program for IPG’s employees engaged in procurement functions.
Measuring Our Effectiveness
No actions have yet been taken to assess IPG’s effectiveness in preventing and reducing risks of forced labour and child labour in its activities and supply chains. IPG will be assessing the feasibility of any such actions in the future.
/s/ Eugene Scherbakov
The Statement was approved by the Board of Directors of IPG Photonics Corporation and signed by the Director and Chief Executive Officer, Eugene Scherbakov, Ph.D., on May 22, 2024.