Laser Cleaning

Laser Cleaning

What is Laser Cleaning?

Laser cleaning, also known as laser material removal, is an advanced method of eliminating material from a surface achieved through the precise manipulation of a scanned laser beam. This process utilizes laser thermal shock, which effectively peels off, vaporizes, sublimates, or burns away unwanted waste material without causing harm to the substrate. Laser cleaning is used across a variety of industries to remove unwanted surface materials like coatings, paints, rust, oil, and for surface preparation for welding and coating.

Careful optimization of laser parameters ensures that the process is executed without damaging the underlying surface. The non-contact nature of laser cleaning makes the process highly repeatable, minimizes the generation of toxic waste, and offers precise control over the treatments effects on the surface. Precise laser targeting enables virtually perfect control over the shape and size of the material removal area.

Advantages of Laser Cleaning

Non-Contact Process

Laser cleaning is a remote process that enables precision material removal, virtually eliminating damage to the underlying material.

Selective Cleaning

Laser cleaning is highly precise and targets only the area to be cleaned, eliminating additional steps like masking.


Laser cleaning is easily automated and in most cases requires no abrasive materials or chemical solvents, reducing noise and eliminating exposure to hazardous materials.


Laser cleaning is a highly energy efficient process that requires no cleaning media, dramatically reducing material handling requirements and process waste.

Easier, More Flexible Material Removal

The advantages of laser cleaning can benefit a wide variety of industries and processes.
From coatings to contaminants and from flat to complex parts, laser cleaning offers the flexibility and ease of automation to optimize your productivity.

Laser Cleaning Optimizes A Wide Variety of Applications

  • Clean contaminants like rust, oil, and combustion deposits
  • Strip coatings like paint, e-coat, ceramics and oxides
  • Simplify mold maintenance by removing release agents and residuals
  • Increase bonding by preparing surfaces for welding, bonding, painting, and coating
  • Increase adhesion with pre-adhesive cleaning or surface texturing
  • Increase coating life by pre-cleaning before applying part coatings
  • Sterilize critical equipment in medical and food applications

What Industries Benefit From Laser Cleaning?

Laser Cleaning: The Clear Choice

Laser Cleaning vs. Traditional Cleaning Methods

Abrasive blasting, while often effective, is noisy and requires costly collection and disposal of the blast media. 

Fiber lasers require no consumables and provide a more flexible and controllable process.

Dry ice blasting avoids the problems of media disposal but is still noisy, expensive, and ineffective for some applications.

Laser cleaning is more easily controlled for small parts and offers lower operating costs.

Chemical cleaning is not easily applied to a selective area and requires costly solvent disposal.

Fiber laser cleaning offers simple selective targeting with no chemical disposal or part drying time required.

Thermal cleaning often requires excessive heat to function and can cause damage to the underlying substrate.

Fiber laser cleaning is dramatically faster, more energy efficient, and addresses a wider range of materials with reduced heat input.

Discover Your Laser Cleaning Solution​

IPG is a partner for every stage of production from research and development to full-scale manufacturing.

Our laser cleaning experts are ready to evaluate your application and offer a solution optimized for your requirements

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How Can We Help?

Whether you have a project in mind or just want to learn more about laser cleaning, an IPG laser expert is ready to help.